Thursday, January 26, 2006

Dogs Mass Critical January New Year

most of the important thingsin the world have beenaccomplishedby peoplewho have kept ontrying when there seemedto be no help at allThis FridayJanuary 27thCritical MassBike Ride SkateRoll Push PedalStreet FestivalIn The Rain she who succeeds in gaining the mastery of the bicycle will gain the mastery of lifeMeet At TheVancouver ArtGallery OutsideBy The

Thursday, January 12, 2006

midnight mass tommorrow

Its that time again kids! Midnight bike ride tomorrow (thurs, Jan. 12)Grab your beers, hot toddies, lights and other survival essentials and meet at Grandview Park (commercial drive @ charles st.) at 11:45, ride at midnight!See you there!photos available @, MC3 ride Friday 6:30pm at the Science world Gazebo