Thursday, June 29, 2006

30 June 3000 Wheels!

end june bike month righton the last friday june 30thWITH A 3000 WHEELED CRITICAL MASS!big giant bike ride for 2000+6that is, 1500 bikers, 3000 unicyclists375 rollerskaters, 750 longboards, 1000 tricycles, or...friendly festive fun, 5pm gatherin the streets, 6pm leave the vancouver art galleryBRING A WATERGUN OR TOY, ALL WELCOMEfor the heatwear your pyjamas or bring a boom box.decorate your

Mass 30 Mass order chaos

So, there might even be 3000 wheels or even 2006 people on bikes/skates/skoots/trikes/unicycles...It will be tons of people no matter what. Normally at Critical Mass announcements are given to start off the ride and this is good for new riders to understand the general idea and feel welcomed. Critical Mass is leaderless and each month the ride is reborn again to be something new. But, it's good

Monday, June 26, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth Bittorrent Frustration

Since Yesterday, even better: a small, watchable version of this movie! to "eee" in Slovenia [.si] who re-encoded and compressed the movie, you rock! From 2.4G down to 537mb. A quick download! This is the same thing as the previous torrent but much smaller. It is put into a .rar but thankfully this has no password and IS legit. The txtfile of

Friday, June 23, 2006

2000+5 Wheels Ride video online

Home Grown and Out of town Videos for your inspiration!----I've put a low res version of the short video of last year's CM online Free movie at VIFC Vancity Theatre, 1181 Seymour. Not a Public Screening. Doors 2pm, show 3pm. Friday before Mass. Preview the nearly finished history of Vancouver Critical Mass and Bike Culture film

Thursday, June 22, 2006

3000 Wheels Ride on 30th

This is Cheryl's great colour poster! Print it out. Currently it is a high res jpg file suitable to print two, side by side on a large 11x17 poster.Bev's poster new for 2006 Classic!cmas_2006wheel_color.pdf standard letter sheetcmas_2006wheel_b+w.pdf black and white versioncmas_2006wheel_4up.pdf quarter sheetFriday, June 30th is fast approaching. We've still got lots of inviting to do if we want

Sacred Steed

Blessing of the BicyclesThe Annual Blessing is sponsored by the Environmental Unit of the localdiocese of the Anglican Church of Canada to acknowledge sustainablehuman-propelled transportation. Join your brother and sister cyclists andreceive a blessing for your bicycle - and for you. Come, bells ringing, tocelebrate creation and claim your place in using the resources of our worldwisely and well

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Thursday evening

Pedal Potluck Picnic - Thursday June 29th, 20066:30 pm at the Science World GazeboBring food and drink to share!The Pedal Potluck Picnic is a weekly series of bicycle rideshosted by the Urban Adventure League that happen inPortland, Ore. But here's an extra-special one for Vancouver!If you want to participate, just show up Thursday June 29that 6:30pm at the Gazebo near Science World on the

Monday, June 19, 2006

car free drive/chopper fest photos rolling in

hey we are some hella smooth cats, did that seem easy peasy or what?potholes of doom, anarchobikathalon, tallbikes virgins down & back up, bareknees, no casualties & we made it look so simple because it was!let the images more from unicycle fixie red

Sunday, June 18, 2006

June is bike month!

June 2nd, Friday night, around 6pmis a planning meeting for any interested in promoting/organising forthe JUNE 2000+6 Wheels Massive![where we hope to gather 2000 cyclists, skaters, bladers, runners, bouncers, funsters...]Sadly, nobody remembered to announce that at last night's CM announcement time [that's what happens when no one is in charge]. But every CMasser [you] is definately invited.

disappear the cars

o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=oWalk for Peace, Justice and SustainabilitySaturday, June 24Riot! Flip Hummers! Youth in France burn 1000s of cars! People who are notyet Zombies gathering at 12 Noon at two starting places: Seaforth PeaceFlame Park (south end of the Burrard Bridge), or Waterfront SkytrainStation in front of Canada Place. The walk starts at 1:00 p.m. with a

Saturday, June 17, 2006

PedalPride Queer

queers on bikes:: rainbow riders :::come to the east van pride event at grandview park tomorrow saturday [24th june]roger lee will sing his song "bicycle highway"lift your bikes in the air in the global atmospherefor the song for the singersongwriter"a lesbian trapped in a gay man's body"i ll be in the chorus~lee

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

June 18 Car Free Bike Day!

We need 300 volunteers to keep those cars at bay on Sunday June 18, so the good people of the Republic of East Van (and their guests) can PARTY IN THE STREET. We're almost there, but we still need a few good people.(and if you've already signed on, of course, please ignore this nagging)If you can spare 2 hours to marshall a barricade, you will receive bigtime karma points, a gorgeous t-shirt at

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bike Shorts: International Cycling Cinema

(aka Bike Movie night)Hi Friends and Relatives of Bicycle Films Everywhere,The glad news is that Bike Movie Night is ready to roll. Check thewebsite for film listings www.bikeshorts.blogspot.comThe deets are: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at Pacific Cinematheque (1131Howe Street -- between Davie and Helmcken). Doors at 7pm. Show at7:30. $10 gets you in.Hope to see you all there.Tannis

MC3 performance ride

Last night, the MC3 had their great preformance ride featuring the B:C:Clits, Trike, the fossilosopher and the all new boy dance bike team 'Brakes!'ChrisB made pictures. Also Pete took some good ones. [and of the EMB]...And Donald took some too.It was loads of fun. David Grove made noise at the start of the ride and I had a radio transmitter. I recorded a few moments as we listened to the

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Naked Bike Ride, Sat, 1pm

Saturday, June 10From: wiki.worldnakedbikeride.orgLet the naked cyclists ride!!!On June 10th, 2006, cities around the world will experience the naked joyof the worlds largest naked protest against oil dependency and car culturein the history of humanity. It is time to stop indecent exposure toautomobile emissions and to celebrate the power and individuality of ourbodies! Naked Bicycle People

Fwd: [Velolove] winnipeg

Stephanie Fulford of Winnipeg was in the critical mass that the policeharrassed last month.She asked me to pass on her invitation to vancouver bike people to attendthe mass there on june 30 or otherwise show support and solidarity.An account of the events: media account:

Monday, June 5, 2006

bike month sunday j11

Bike Wash!Sunday, June 11Come and get your bike washed at the Science World Gazebo between11:00am-2:00pm on Sunday, June 11. A fundraiser for the Big Fix 2006 Ride.The ride from Davis, California to Boston that's a fundraiser forhistiocytosis research.Info: jramp@@$ or 604-->>>255...7201or fixhistio.orgo=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=o-o=oMomentum Magazine's

Friday, June 2, 2006

festevil tuesday june 6

calling all noizicians & bikers & devil-may-caretakers...quiet giantswelcome...the site is up:vanfestevil.blogspot.comFestEVIL, Open Transnational Improvised Noize FestVancouver Public Library & everywhere elseJune 6/2006, 6:06:06 pmif you are interested in helping, participating, or just givingidears dears, email me. (if anyone has suggestions for power sourcesi'd appreciate it. not necessary

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Review and Photos of May Ride

Great summary of the last ride and a couple