Sunday, June 29, 2008

Car Free Vancouver: YES or NO?

please forward this important messageHey all, so...did Car Free Vancouver Day go off OR WHAT?!We had 125,000 people out partying in the streets...with 400+ volunteers...and a few cut-rate traffic "security"...and NO incidents to speak of. The media coverage was fantastic, and it looks like the experiment results are in...Vancouver is ready and begging for car-free festivals, car-free

still buzzed from the Delta party

Shout out to all who came to Brad's on Friday night to the "Gateway to What?" party under the solstice moon, to celebrate the turning of the tides...I'm still buzzing from it!I've attended and thrown many parties but seldom have I seen one where two large groups of people who had no previous social interaction meld so harmoniously. North and south of the Fraser united, by the night's good spirit

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sphere Size Illusion

A visual illusion of two spheres.
Does one appear to be larger than the other?

Sphere Size Illusion

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chris Carlsson Tonight at Spartacus!

Chris Carlsson, an originator of the first San Francisco Commute Clot/Critical Mass in 1992 and a radical author/instigator, will be at Spartacus tonight! This is from 7-10pm. Spartacus is at 684 East Hastings. He is touring his new book Nowtopia.You should go! Chris is always inspiring and thought provoking with his humble brand of radical thinking. He's just come from the Portland, OR, Towards

Big Critical Mass Ride, and more...

Big Critical Mass Ride to Close Out Bike MonthFriday, June 27, 2008One of the biggest ride and rolls of the year, and possibly the largest ever bike ride to hit the streets of Vancouver, the June Critical Mass Ride closes out this year's Bike Month.Join fellow bicyclists, skaters, and bladers for this leisurely and spirited ride and roll through the streets of Vancouver. Meet at the Vancouver Art

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bezold Effect Illusion

Bezold Effect Illusion

The Bezold Effect is an optical illusion, named after a German professor of eteorology, Wilhelm von Bezold, who discovered that a color may appear different depending on its relation to adjacent colors. In the above example, the red seems lighter combined with the white, and darker combined with the black.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Vancouver goes CAR FREE!

Please post and forward far and wide!Come celebrate the future of our CityCAR-FREE VANCOUVER DAYSunday June 15Car-Free Vancouver Day, this Sunday June 15 (Fathers Day), will feature FOUR simultaneous car-free festivals. Come out and play, and help change EVERYTHING!We are expecting over 100,000 people to come out to party in streets, and let the world know that Vancouver is ready for car-free

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tattoo Face Illusion

This is one of the best Tattoo which i sawed

Tatoo Face Illusion

The tattoo has designed so amazingly back side of the face it, I wish… I had a tattoo like this on my face

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fw: cycling route planner - feedback requested

>>Students ->>>>I'd like to ask for your help. As part of a research project designed to >>understand the relationship between infrastructure and decisions to >>bicycle as a mode of transportation, we have created an interactive >>web-based bicycle route planner for the Metro Vancouver area. Users can >>select in a familiar interface origins and destinations and choose to >>prioritize routes by a

Friday, June 6, 2008

World Naked Bike Ride

Naked Cyclists Take to the Streets!(please forward)Vancouver will experience the exposed joy and participate in the world's largest naked protest against oil dependency and car culture. It's time to stop indecent exposure to automobile emissions! Hundreds of cyclists will ride in various stages of undress -- reclaiming the streets as sexy, self-propelled citizens. Come join the naked bicycle

world carfree cities conference portland

Hey all,the Towards Carfree Cities VIII: June 16-20, 2008Rethinking Mobility, Rediscovering Proximityis happening real sooncarfreeportland.orggreat slogan "live free or drive"I was fortunate, along with Haley, to be able to go the the 2006 conference in Bogota, Columbia and it was really inspiring to see all the international perspectives on this and how so much progress is being made outside of

Gray Fuzz Illusion

Gray Fuzz Illusion
Do you see gray areas in between the squares?

Now where did they come from?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

City of Vancouver Cycling Route Survey

Hi guys,You may have seen this survey already. I filled it out and mentioned the safety on the bridges, the use of bike routes by cars and having bike racks on the roads (like car parking stalls) rather than sidewalks as important priorities.~jThe City wants feedback about its cycling routes. Here is a link to their

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Stop Gateway...write one little letter NOW!

Help Stop the "Gateway to Global Warming" Motorway ExpansionA BULLETIN from www.gatewaysucks.orgOur Environment Minister in BC may be close to signing the environmental certification for the Gateway mega -project.If Barry Penner signs the certification for this project, his legacy would be that of the Environment Minister who gave the green light to the most counter productive and in fact

Car-Free Vancouver Day, June 15

Forward far and wide, let the joyous news be spread!CAR-FREE VANCOUVER DAY BULLETINCallout to ALL citizens, artists, activists, performers, pranksters and funsters Car-Free Vancouver Day is less than two months away !!Get ready, tochangeEVERYTHING.Sunday June 15th (Fathers Day) will see Car-Free Festivals going off all over the city. We expect 100,000 people to flood the streets to celebrate

Toronto Motorway Commute Clot

Interesting news from TO. Sorry I'm to lazy to link to any real Toronto CM info. Please post links in comments if you know any.It's kind of funny how the press is so dumbfounded. They don't explain why anyone was charged, though I would assume that if it is true (highly suspicious) that "some of the cyclists dismounted their bikes, thrust them above their heads and ran at the officers." that