Wednesday, April 26, 2006

April 28th Critical Mass

April 28th FridayThe Last Friday of this MonthCritical Mass Roll them Rocks5:30pm Gather 6pm Ride TogetherBicycle, Skate, Stroll, Push, Pull, PlayLeave from Vancouver Art Gallery, destination?Costumes, Commuter, Public Space CelebrationProtestation vs. Highway Expansion Bluff Blowing up?NO, there is alternatives:"Cars are NOT the Future!"--my engineering friend--------------------------------Ride

Friday, April 21, 2006

harper=hitler;your national emergency

canada is going police state before your eyes in that patented sneakycanadian style.NOW is the time to get OFF your 24/7 party and get ittogether.the canadian middle class needs an effective wake-up call fronCANADIAN progressives,they won't listen to americans on this particular issue.things can,and probably will,slide very are MUCH LESS PREPAREDthan you'all may believe! talk to first

Friday, April 7, 2006


Invito per Ciemmona06Questo è un progetto strampalato direbbe qualcuno... Questa è pura utopia organizzata, una visione di insieme per niente scontata. Il luogo è sempre Roma, i ciclisti sono mondiali.La Critical mass interplanetaria vuole vuole reinventare un nuovo modo di organizzarsi e di stare nel mezzo senza per questo divenire oggetto di qualche campagnia postelettorale..un'idea sulla

Monday, April 3, 2006

plan World Naked Bike Ride

Everybody invited to this meeting.-----------------------------------Planning meeting for the World Naked Bike Ride:Tuesday 8pm. Soma coffee shop. Corner of Main and Broadway.We expect over a 100 cities to participate in this years World Naked Bike Ride. Please help make this event bigger than ever before in Vancouver by coming to a meeting this Tuesday.For more info on the event please visit