Monday, November 7, 2011

Can Peacocks fly with broken wings? I'm talkin broken arms and broken legs....

I don't know, but we're about to find out.

After all the seriousness in last weeks posts I wanted to do something fun today, but then I went and Matsuied myself, broke my wrist. Typing with one hand is as much a pain in the ass as most other things with one hand, like opening a door while holding my coffee, so we'll have to see how this goes.

That's Hideki Matsui, he was without a doubt my favorite Yankee, hell, favorite ballplayer, after Paul O'Neil retired. The guy just knew how to play the game, did everything right, great teammate, and talk about CLUTCH.... but he was never the same again after this play. That was a nasty one, and what I did to myself was very similar.

I don't think I made nearly as big a deal about it as Albert Pujols here, thought I took it better, but the guys will have to tell you if that's true or not. I knew it was broken right away, and my buddy Dave said he could hear it snap. Its completely possible that I was crying like a little girl that just lost her candy. After all, I am a notorious whiner.

This is basically what my arm looked like. Do you see how the hand is pushed off of the wrist, as if the only thing keeping it attached is the skin and ligaments? I had the same exact thing, except for me the appendage was the other way, the hand was on the back side of the arm, hanging off.

You see her pointing to that mangled mess? She's a trooper! This was more the position I was in. Behind the arm. Looks like she's got something breaking the skin though, sticking out. Mine was a clean break, and thank God for it. Have you ever been in so much pain that all you could do was laugh? That laugh of the insane, the one that only crazy people have. Well... I had everyone at the hospital cracking up. And don't you love how, in a spot about maimed body parts I'm able to get you a nice rack thrown in there?

You know you wanted half naked ladies thrown in there, so here you g... what? These aren't the half naked ladies you were looking for? I don't get it, looks like a party to me. This came up in my Google search for broken wrists. I keep telling you about the craziness that pops up on there. I think they meant to post this under slit wrists, as in what you're going to do after seeing this shot. I have one of those too, slit wrist. Its the same damn arm.

Here you go, this is more fitting, isn't it? This was another one that came up in that same search. That probably comes from all us sad sacks that know these ladies are out there, that they ARE all partying together.... that they're all dressed just like this... and we're never invited to the party. We get the ladies up top instead. The difference is enough to make a guy do something drastic, isn't it? My only real question is.... it says "pink" over an over again.... exactly what is it that they're advertising?

We'll dedicate more time to the ladies tomorrow. I got to check out my X-Rays... and this is essentially what I had going on in there. You see that back forearm bone broken off.... yeah, that's it. Jamaica Hospital has gotten a really bad rep over the years, but I have to say, every single person working there was GREAT! I hate hospitals, and they made me feel as comfortable as possible, even got me a great shot of my X-Ray. I'll throw that bad boy up as soon as I'm able.

And at least there's nothing like this going on in there. How completely disgusting is this? When the Doc tells you that you're going to need pins in your wrist you're not supposed to put them in there yourself you dumbass!

Do you honestly believe that this woman is worried about ANYTHING knowing that a friend like this has her back? HELL NO she doesn't! And neither should this Peacock. After they scraped me off the field my teammates really picked me up; they went all out like a pack of rabid animals and kicked that teams brains in. We're talking championship here baby, me Matsuied or not. And Topper is coming through to make sure you good people still get to read my blog day in and day out while I recover, because this typing with one hand nonsense is beat.

But I've got to get back out there as soon as I can, and I can't think of any better way to speed up the healing process than a female Peacock to come share my roost. I wonder if she's available. I'd find a way to fly after her broken wing or not. Let's make it so! I'm wounded here, I need some looking after, and this is only fair. After all.... I deserve it don't I?

But that's all I've got for today. And the drugs are wearing off... so....

Later People!

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