Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm out of it!

I'm really out of it lately. There's something that I've wanted to get into for a few days now, but at the times I can do it, get the uploads going, well, the lights are on but no one's home. With all the changes going on, medications, whatever, its to be expected I guess, but this walking coma I'm in has to end somehow.

Right now it seems only one person gets me out of it, and only then for a short while. Then its right back to me in letting it all go mode. I need a haircut bad, I'm starting to look like an animal. The nails on my right hand are starting to look like claws. Weird though, the ones on the left with the broken wrist haven't grown at all. I wonder if that has something to do with the healing process.

I'm out of control right now.

A guestion came up in a letter I wrote last night, are you living the life you want to live? For me, right now, sadly the answer is no. Far from it. A terrible state for someone looking to be a life coach.

Luckily I have my mood changer loaded up, its important for all of us to have one, something to put us in a better place. For me its a file of movie scores.

I've always had a thing for Dana Delaney, so last night when her show Body of Proof came on I had to check some of it out. Its another of those tough female cop shows because that's the flavor of the month in TV land, whatever, same show as a hundred out there, but at 55 years old now she still looks really good. You can't go by me though. I love older women.

The best part of the show was the sexy, beautiful Nathalie Kelley. The only thing she's really been in was The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, she played the lead. Maybe its just that look I'm into, she had that Vanessa Hudgens thing going on, but what I really liked most about her.... looking her up there were no slutty pictures... not yet anyway.

That's a perfect picture of Aaron Eckhart for today's out of it theme, isn't it? I caught some of Battle Los Angeles again the other day, if you remember I really enjoyed that flik, but one scene in particular is a real Captain America - Avengers assemble moment that it gets me going.

But it reminded me of something too, just on the exact right day that I needed to be reminded of it. A leader doesn't get people to follow him because he asked. A leader does so by example, he throws himself in there because its what has to be done, because its whats right, and his light lights the way. People follow because they see why he's doing what he's doing. They follow him because he makes them believe.

And this of course has nothing to do with anything. Something must have been lost in translation here, when I said out of it, they thought out of their clothes. Still, why complain about Asian underwear ads? Hell I can even read one of the words in there... it says SEXY!

This is where it all falls apart, so take this as a warning. It all goes down hill from here. This looks like someone puked into a bowl. People eat this. I don't know how. For all I know this could be the best tasting thing in the world, but I'll never know it because the sight of it is making me gag.

Honestly, this is a whole lot more appetizing to me. That's someones guts he's playing with there. This was a real live boy once, but now that's all thats left of him. In this economy though, you just can't let good meat go to waste.

In the end it wasn't that he kept messing with this lion that did him in. Leo here actually likes his pal Mickey quite well. He just couldn't stand listening to the idiot trying to speak and the nonsense and gibberish that came out. When you're getting your kicks at the expense of the King of the Jungle, you should at least make sure you can spell. That's just common decency. Leo had enough of that illiterate bastard. So he ate him.

How are lions the king of the jungle anyway? Are there even any lions IN the jungle?

Hey, if those last parts made you sick I've got a number for you to call, they can help you settle your stomach. Seeing this, I think a buddy of mine is going to have a new call sign now.


Huh! Don't tell anyone, but this is really how I broke my arm. I like to play dress up, and joust competitively, but I don't have the money for a hourse, so I have to run at the guy instead. At least the hispanics in Quick Change got to have bikes. I'm at a decided disadvantage.

I've been joking about professional jousting for months now, its on my dating site profile, and sure enough they come out with a show, Knights of Mayhem, trying to making real life jousting into an actual sport. Its on Tuesday nights, and I missed it, but I've got to check this out. Someone's going to get killed, it used to happen constantly during medievil tournaments, which is sure to get the show pulled, so I had better catch it before that happens.

Hey, don't knock the whole renaissance fair thing. Where else do you get to meet real women like this one up above? This is how she dresses for work. I was trying to get with her for a while there, but you have to wrastler her to get her into bed. She kept beating my ass. I won't lie though, I was really into it. You would be too... even you ladies...


She sure as hell beats my ex girlfriend. Actually, my ex only looked like this, this shot is from her last birthday party. But she was a really nice person, lovely personality. On the other hand, that English chick I was sleeping with a while back looked just like this too, but only her reflection in the mirror. On the outside she was SEXY.... it was just her soul that was gnarled and twisted...

Yeah... I'll take the beating from the chick with the sword, thanks!

Geez, none of this even makes any sense. But like I said, I'm out of it.
So now I'm out of here too.

Later People!

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