Friday, November 4, 2011

Occupy Wall Street, our soldiers coming home and why our society crumbling is YOUR fault!

Yesterday afternoon I caught parts of a radio show after Opie and Anthony on satellite that had soldiers coming home on discussing how difficult its been for them to come back to society after being at war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Aside from the obvious, killing people and then having to adjust to sitting in a cubicle or kissing YOUR ass at Best Buy, they told stories of women with kids of their own back home driving in convoys that had to run kids down so that the pieces were mopped off the road with a sponge in order to avoid ambushes. They had men come on and discuss the goo where their buddies face was just a moment before and how they just can't explain that to anyone, and how these people wake up screaming in the middle of the night, and will probably never get out of therapy.

Every 80 minutes a veteran tries to kill themselves.

There are a lot of factors that lead to this. Though it may not be as bad as it was after Vietnam when hippies would spit on soldiers and call them baby killers, in one vets words, the happy homecoming and cheers last for about fifteen minutes, then its business as usual. Thanks for serving, now what are you going to do for me?

Then a quick look around at how Republicans and Democrats bicker and fight, push agendas and take kick backs, screw the people and get nothing done, our soldiers wonder what the hell it was that they were fighting for in the first place.

But there was something that really stuck with me, something that I'd spoken about before in this space, and probably the biggest issue that I have in trying to get people to understand me and why I sometimes do the things that I do.

One of the soldiers explained that, when you were over there it didn't matter how horrible things were because no matter how bad things got, there was somebody right next to you going through the same exact thing you were. Your buddies over there understood exactly what you were going through, exactly what you were feeling, because they were seeing things the same way you were. But when they come back home, in our society, there's nothing like that. People don't understand where you've been, what you're doing, going through or why..... and they don't care to try.

You'll often hear stories of championship sports teams that have a special locker room, that all come together as one, and years later they continue to share that bond with those guys from that locker room. That right there is the true meaning of TEAM, to sacrifice for a larger whole, and everyone seeing things that same way.

Why do young kids join gangs? They do it because where ever they are in life or the world, none of their options are very good. So they choose to align themselves with people that have experienced the same things that they have, gone through the same struggles. Whatever you want to say about the horrors of gang life, what these people are signing up for is a place where they belong, a place where they're understood, feel important. No matter how broke you are or bad you have it that gang has your back. They're all seeing things the same way.

These are all extreme cases and rare though. They're sects outside of normal daily life that society doesn't want to understand. More often we're comparing ourselves to one another, in competition. You have to keep up with the Joneses, and if you can't somehow you're less. Its about the biggest house, the bigger paycheck, the best toys, the hottest wife, the powerful husband.

Soldiers know all about sacrificing themselves for a bigger purpose, they know all about team. But how do you look out for each other, pick each other up, come together as one when you're always bragging, backstabbing, belittling or ignoring one another? How do you act as one while you're always trying to set yourself above, jockeying for position as the alpha male or female in the pack?

In Sociology we judge societies on the quality of life for all people in that society. A good society is that way because of how they treat the least of amongst their people. Here, however, its all about more, more, more. We're judged on having, not what we did to get it. And if you don't have, then you're nothing, so people will do whatever they have to do to get it. Once again, value, and we're always looking to value up.

We don't act like a good society, we act like a bunch of wild dogs. And then we wonder why our government, our entire system is corrupt. More, more, more!

If you say I'm wrong, I say you're kidding yourself. If you say you don't do that (you may not, there are good people out there), I say look at who you hang with, what you do and who you're trying bring into your life. And if you tell me that I'm just bitter and angry because I'm a have not, I say you're DAMN RIGHT!!!

 What Occupy Wall Street has become

And make no mistake, the entire system is corrupt. The Occupy Wall Street people may have a good reason behind what they started, but nothing is ever going to be changed by what they're doing. While the movement has degenerated to bums, slobs and drug dealers sleeping and pissing in parks disturbing average citizens, they continue to feed very same Alpha More Powerhungry's that corrupt the system in the first place.

And quess what.... if its not them, it would be someone else. And if they give you a chance for more, more, more, it would probably be you. Our society is screwed, rotted from within, and the only fix is a complete overhaul.

That's a foot!

But the Occupy Wall Street people DO have one thing right, the change IS up to each of us as individuals. "Be the change you want in the world" and all that mess. Unfortunately that change has to come in how we treat each other, and we treat each other like SHIT! Societies are judged by how they treat the least of their people, we're trained to look down on and ignore them.

Societies are built and re-built by coming together and learning how to see things the same way, then sacrificing for the greater good. That will never happen here, there will never be real change, and we'll continue down this toilet because very few people have the ability to see beyond how everything affects THEM! And everything we see and do, everyone we surround ourselves with, have trained us to be that way our whole lives.

If you don't think so you're naive. Your head is in the sand. You ARE kidding yourself. What we have on our hands here is a battle of conscience, and we're getting our asses kicked. Our world is rotting because of the one question you all ask of EVERYONE before you do ANYTHING for THEM......

"What's in it for me?"

Later People!

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