Friday, November 18, 2011

Tim Tebow - a shining example of how its done!

He did it again, his third come back victory in a month, the forth in his eight professional starts, this time against the supposedly great New York Jets Defense. The numbers to that point were horrendous. But that didn't matter, this is when he's at his best, late, with the game on the line. Tim Tebow engineered a 12 play 95 yard drive when it counted to win the game. Its what winners do.

They brought the house. They blitzed everyone.

During the post game press conference he first thanked Jesus. I can take it or leave it, but unlike so many other people, he never pushes his faith on anyone else, simply states that's what he believes, where he draws his strength. That I can get behind. How is it any different from any other way folks out there gain confidence? At least this is in a positive light.

Then he went on giving credit for the win to every other guy on the team, everyone but himself.

Last week I had to watch a disgusting ten minute diatribe by Bill Maher, making a real ass of himself, attacking Tebow. And why? Because he's a Christian, a man of faith.

"Fearing not I become my enemy in the instant that I preach"

So people can't push their beliefs or way of life down your throat, they can't tell you how you should live your life. But you can do it to them at every pass? Tim Tebow didn't do that, you did Bill Maher, way to go pal!

Whether its the Jesus thing or his ability on the field, there are a lot of detractors, quick to jump all over him. And why? Because he has character? Because he does everything right, the way that we're all supposed to do it?

Back in 2008 while at the University of Florida, following a loss, Tebow addressed the media and gave the above speech. He spoke the words with all the heart and emotion with which he does everything. And he put all the weight on his own shoulders. He promised to be better, to make everyone around him better. Who does that anymore? No one does. Well.... Tim Tebow does.

You will never see anyone play harder. You will never see anyone push more. This is what a leader does. They lead by example.

In a world where all we seem to care about is the pomp and circumstance, the flash without the substance, Tebow's stats never look pretty. Maybe that's why everyone hates him so much. Because its not a beauty contest, because he rolls up his sleeves and gets dirty. Because all he cares about is getting it done.

But for all of the ways his critics want to bash him, for everything they say that he can't do, they never speak of the things he CAN do, the quality of his character, the intangibles you just can't teach.

His entire Offense loves him.
His entire Defense loves him.
His entire Team loves him.
They make plays for him.
They kill themselves for him.
And you can see it in every action they take for him, whether its play on the field or hugs on the sidelines.
They do it because he kills himself for them first.

That's his girlfriend, or so the internet says

Tim Tebow makes everyone around him better. That's the one thing no one can ever touch. And he does it without credit, and without shirking responsibility. He puts the entire load on himself, takes all of the blame, but never the glory. That he leaves for his teammates. And for God.

Tim Tebow is a winner. Pure and simple.
He's a leader, the way all leaders should be.
He's a hero, and example for us all, an ideal to live up to.

And we need as many people like him as we can get right now, don't we?

My only hope is that he never lets us down like so many of our fallen stars. That, much like God rewards him for his faith, that Tim Tebow rewards me for my faith in him.

"We are what we continually do. Excellence, therefore, is a habit" - Aristotle

A Leader. A Hero. A Promise.
You will never see anyone play harder.
You will never see anyone push harder.

And for no other reason than I think this is an incredible picture of a beautiful woman. And I enjoy looking at it.

Later People!

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