Sunday, November 13, 2011

Understanding planets that rule you

All planets are on the move but which one is yours? People usually don’t understand the concept of time and planets but it’s something which influences the change. Like atmospheric and natural changes, it influences the change in human lives.

Planetary movements are directly related with human behaviour and their daily life. Your planet is moving while you are reading this article, and you are reading this under its influence. It all depends on the planet’s axis and collaboration with other planet s.

Seven planets rule the seven days of a week:

Sun rules Sunday
Moon rules Monday
Mars rules Tuesday
Mercury rules Wednesday
Jupiter rules Thursday
Venus rules Friday
Saturn rules Saturday
SUN: Sun is also known as the ‘Planet of Self’ and this is the centre of existence. This Planet (also known as a luminary and a star) represents the self, one's personality and ego, the spirit and what it is that makes the individual unique. It represents the heart and blood and their ruling zodiac is the Leo.

MOON: Since the Moon is closest to Earth, it influences us more deeply than any other Planet. It plays with the sensitivity and psyche of the human being. The moon speaks to the women in one's life and their role as nurturer. This planet rules zodiac sign Cancer, a water sign.

VENUS: Venus rules Taurus, Libra’s feelings, aesthetics, sense of like, action and repulsion and also emotional connections. It also rules love relationships, artistic and luxury material possessions. It is also known as the “Master of the demons”.

MERCURY: Mercury works with language, mind and verbal thoughts. People born under the influence of ‘Mercury’ are very talkative and their chances of becoming writers, media people and great speakers are high.

JUPITER: Jupiter is the ruler of both the Pisces and Sagittarius. Basically, it looks after expansiveness and growth; extending your realm of experiences in new areas of life. It is exuberant, outgoing, extrovert and adventurous.

SATURN: The teaching planet is the ruler of Aquarius and Capricorn, both bone and bone marrow. It represents great karmic lessons, great teachings and the wisdom of expression. Its influence makes humans very serious, conservative and practical.

NEPTUNE: Neptune is the ruler of water on the Earth. It rules Pisces inspiration and represents dissolving, washing, cleansing and purifying. Its influence makes the man very dreamy and sensitive. Read More!

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