Monday, November 14, 2011

Universal Health Care Coverage... is it about time?

What a long strange weekend its been...

There's a lot to discuss, but I'm walking into a lot of changes today. For one, I ran out of Percocet, just Tylenol extra strength for me, which is both great and terrible. This Monday found me losing my private office, so I'm out in general population, also a good and bad thing. Finally, it seems as if Facebook is now blocked at my job. If they had made that move 6 months ago things would be very different right now, in a good way.

We'll have to see how these changes affect the blog and what I do here.... only time will tell....

I'm ill prepared this morning, all of this stuff has me out of my element. I didn't have the pictures I took from Tough Mudder ready to go, so I'll be switching gears, your guess as to where that brings us is as good as mine, but you need this some times.

Last Friday afternoon I spent 6 hours at the orthopedic clinic at Jamaica Hospital just so they could shoot an X-Ray, tell me "hey, it looks good" and send me on my way. In all it was six hours of waiting for a 10 minute visit.

This is what you deal with when you have no insurance, no, not the two girls on the same bed, I'm not that lucky, and these aren't the girls that I would have found at this particular hospital anyway.... it would have been more like this....

Yeah... it'll be weeks before I can wrap my arms around my baby.....

Waiting around that long completely sucks, especially when you're surrounded by the dregs of society, but much like taking the bus... anywhere... you know that this is what you're in for walking into the situation. And the alternative, having no way to have your health looked after, well that's no alternative at all, is it?

This is all one family. Everyone of them was seen for their check ups that day. I was stuck in line behind them.

We hear it all the time that in Canada, which has universal health care for all of their people, you have to wait around all day like this to be taken care of, as if this is a great reason for not having the same sort of system here. Except that people here in the U.S. are already waiting around the same exact way every day. And it cost me $120 for that privelege. What would have happened if I didn't have that $120, as so many people don't , especially now is this economy..... Hit The Bricks Pal! You're out!

No, there wasn't anyone getting shots in the ass right out there in front of everyone, though there were two ladies I wouldn't have complained about seeing if they did. That would have gathered a crowd too, maybe gotten me into the Doc quicker. But its never the ones that look like this below that happens with anyway....

On the bright side though, that just gave me the best search key words EVER! I'll buy that for $120!

One thing that this experience has taught me for sure is that when there is something wrong with you, when your health is compromised, all of your other worries and concerns go right out the window. And when you have to be concerned about how you're going to take care of yourself or your loved ones, then there's just no way you can be focused on the things you need to get done and be a productive member of society.

On the flip side, its incredible how much stress and anxiety is relieved from a person once they know that they're being taken care of and everything is going to be alright. Its as if the weight of the world, matters that are literally life and death, are lifted off your shoulders...

This up above is what happens when you don't have that safety net. You end up floating face down in a river.

There is absolutely no way that in this country, in this day and age, that any citizen should be turned away from medical treatment over a matter of money. There's no way that any American should have to float down that river of death because they didn't have an extra $120. That's some people's food money for an entire month.

If I had to pay a 5% Federal Health Care Tax out of my paycheck every week for the peace of mind of knowing that I'd be taken care of no matter what, even if that meant waiting all day until the doctor could get me in, but wouldn't cost me anything afterwards, then I'd sign up for that right now, and so would most other people.

And then Health Insurance afterwards would allow you to choose your doctor and not have to wait for hours if you can afford it. If not, you'll still be fine, it just won't be as convenient. But if I'm paying extra I want to be in the river with Brookyn Decker in it.

This is a big, important, topic of discussion, and this is just a start of it, though its all I've got for today.

I want your opinions and ideas on the matter.

Later People!

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