Thursday, November 17, 2011

Women can kick ass and still be SEXY!

There were too many damn pictures. I have to go through them all to pick out the right shots, and I hadn't realized how many I had taken. Without doing it, there was just no way I could do the story justice, and there wasn't enough time. So once again I had to switch gears today, go with something different.

I caught Green Lantern last night, a completely forgettable movie that I just couldn't get into, uninteresting. I saw what they were trying to do with most of the flik, they just didn't pull it off at any pass.

The one thing that kept hitting me the whole time that I watched the film though is that it never hit me how beautiful Blake Lively is. Sure, she's on all the hottest celebrity lists, but what the hell does that mean? There's a certain quality about her that just draws your eye to her.

With all the talk everywhere about raping 10 year old boys at Penn State, this really was a much needed, very welcomed change. This pic here is Lively with Leighton Meester of Gossip Girl fame.

Before you start to think that today's post is just a sex show I'm putting on to throw up pictures of women again, there was a progression this morning from one lady to the next that formulated what I wanted to say, so bear with me here. And remember this picture. Lively led me to Meester, who led me to.....

Minka Kelly (Derek Jeter you dirty dog you!). If you look at these last two shots you can see both women are in the same exact pose, same exact shot, underscoring the unoriginality out there, but also befitting the situation. Meester and Kelly starred together in The Roommate, a trash rip off of another trash film Single White Female. At least this time around the chicks are hotter, but that's not enough. Just like the equally trash reboot of Charlie's Angels, cancelled after 3 episodes, all of this crap is so bad even Kelly's looks can't save it. Proving looks aren't everything.... not even in porn!

Don't ask me how, but somehow Kelly led me to Danielle Lloyd here, and ultimately my point for today's post. Look how sexy she is lying there on the floor like that, right?

That right there is Danielle Lloyd lying on the floor also, covered in blood. Not nearly as sexy this time, is it? Someone attacked her in the streets and left her there a mess like that.

Here she is again, looking as sexy as anything, right? What's not to like, everyone would want some of that. I'm an old fashioned kind of guy, someone who thinks that a man should stand up for women when they deserve it. But many women out there just don't understand what a nasty, nasty world it is out there. Not until this happens.....

And not until it happens to them specifically. We all do that though, don't we? "Not me!"

Sure enough, this morning a court dismissed the case of a 46 year old many stalking 19 year old actress Selena Gomez. I chose not to put any photos of her up because, much like a Penn State Football Coach's favorite play thing, they all look like a 10 year old kid. That's just bad news, potentially devastating news for Gomez, who has a restraining order against the dirty old man.

And that made Gina Carano pop into my mind. In case you don't know, she once ran roughshod through the ranks of Women's MMA before she finally ran into a buzzsaw and got her head handed to her herself.

That's Carano again right here for Maxim. The thought that struck me that so many people refuse to see is that, even in this day and age, women really need to learn how to protect themselves. We all do really, people, there's some real scum out there, and the day that it IS you that it happens to, well, you better know what to do before its you ending up a bloody mess.

Carano then led me to Sarah Ponce here, another MMA fighter. Look how beautiful she is. There's a common misperception that if a woman is athletic or able to defend herself that she has to be some kind of manish brute, a butch, or a lesbian.

But how can anyone look at these pictures and still hold that ideal in their minds? These women are professional fighters, paid to beat the hell out of one another, but that doesn't mean they can't be sexy too. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

If you think she looks bad, you should see the other guy. This here is Elena Reid raising her arms in victory, and it perfectly illustrates my point, because this sexy beast down below is Reid also...

She cleans up pretty good, huh? Damn, I don't about you, but I'd sign up for that in a second. Gorgeous.

The other day I had a conversation about much of this, and somewhere in there I said that Gym class in schools should be replaced with Martial Arts training from the 1st grade through High School Graduation.

Michelle Waterson is a kickboxer. Looks to me that Martial Arts training did her well. But the inclusion of this sort of training in schools would go a long way to solving many of our problems. For one, we have an epidemic of overweight, out of shape people in our society. To a large degree there's a general lack of respect in this country, both for ourselves, and ever more frequently, for the people around us. As a people, we have no discipline. SO many of our troubles come purely from the fact that we can't control ourselves....

And then of course is that violence out there, and there's a lot of it. You're kidding yourself if you think there isn't, it just hasn't touched you yet. Brittney Palmer here is NOT a fighter, but as an Octagon Girl, she IS part of that world.

Could you imagine how much less people would fuck with each other if it was a known FACT that everyone out there has had Martial Arts training their entire lives as part of their upbringing. Could you imagine the effect that would have on American society, being taught from the beginning to respect ourselves and respect one another?

Some friends and I often speak about what things would be like if everyone had to serve in the military after high school like they do in Israel and how much better it would be. This would have the same exact effect without being nearly as extreme. And just look what its done for the ladies.

What do you think?

Later People!

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