Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Love and sunsigns

So, what if Valentine's Day is over? The season of love continues as love never dies. Discover the romantic side in you with your zodiac sign. Go all romantic and sweep your partner of their feet. Make your partner fall in love with you all over again...

When in love, you don a pair of rose-tinted glasses and the world is a magical place for you. The idea of romance captivates you and you ignore all else to be near your beloved. Candlelight dinners, soft music, slow dances, late night walks hand in hand by the light of the moon on remote windswept beaches - everything is possible, and it does not stop there, Aries will profess undying love for their beloved - a promise they are most likely to keep.

Taureans are family-oriented people and enjoy spending time with loved ones. Strong believers in fidelity and stable relationships, you can be romantic, attentive, tender, and affectionate. Rarely feeling the temptation to stray, you can be quite possessive and can indeed get jealous if your partner's attention wavers. The romance with your partner is something that will be of constant interest and is unlikely to die even when you settle down to the routines of married life.

Anyone romantically involved with you, even for a short while, is likely to find you affectionate, interesting, adventurous and a fun person to be with, but your fickle, almost uncaring attitude will manage to break many hearts before you finally settle down. You may be a notorious flirt, but it will be wonderful coming home to someone who has stood by you through all the highs and lows.

You are continually pulled into romance with those who are quite opposite to you in nature. You are strongly attracted to people who are confident, strong and successful. Although you fall in love all the time, your introvert nature and your uneasiness in disclosing your true feelings makes many of these affairs one-sided.

You have a gregarious personality easily standing out in a crowd, always the centre of attention at social gatherings. You are often loud and brash and people often take offence to that. If your big ego doesn't get the better of you, you can be a warm and considerate person. You are a lover with style, wooing your beloved in the most elegant manner. You wine and dine them, shower expensive gifts and roll out the red carpet all the way.

Not the most passionate of signs, a Virgo's love life is rarely turbulent or stormy. You are not the kind who likes to cuddle and make a public display of affection but can be quite romantic in your own way. Your style of courtship includes sending a never ending stream of flowers and going to romantic dinners at quiet and elegant places.

Emotional relationships are based on equal give and take. Librans tend to be involved in a number of affairs and sometimes their affection and friendship is misunderstood as something quite different. Librans like to have friends come over frequently for meals and parties; being good hosts, they ensure guests have a relaxed and comfortable time.

You are among the best lovers, instinctively knowing what your partner wants. You are intense and passionate and none of your lovers will ever forget you. You will sweep many off with your magnetic charm. You will rarely distinguish between a passing fancy and true love. For you, it will always be a passionate involvement.

Although affectionate and loving, Sagittarians are not apt to be too demonstrative. Not much cuddling, showering of gifts, or saying it with roses - something that may be misconstrued as lack of warmth. However, you will make it exciting enough for your beloved. Bungee jumping, mountain climbing, horse riding, going to exotic destinations... all this you will do with your partner.

You have an ardent and incurable romantic yearning for true love, which is put under check by Saturn -- the stern planet of discipline. It commands you to be calm, practical and serious. Nevertheless, love for a stable home and loyalty towards the spouse are your primary concerns. Man or woman, Capricorns love their home, but they are reverent about family ties -- be these their own or the ones created with the partner.

Once in love, you will try to make everything perfect for your partner. You will accommodate compromise and adapt even if you find that person is not exactly the ideal match you imagined him or her to be. Your approach to love and marriage is logical and intellectual, loving with your mind, as well as your eyes.

In the world of romance, you crave fairytales, being more in love with the idea of love than being in love itself. You can be unnecessarily suspicious and jealous, and this might cause a lot of heartache. The most important ingredient you bring to a relationship is love. You are gentle, sensitive, and a romantic through and through, valuing fidelity in a marriage and will be kind and affectionate to your spouse.

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