Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This Just In: Gone Until Friday!

The time has come for me to start flogging my new book in person.  In fact, as you read this, I am making my way down to Washington, DC with my hobo bindle over my shoulder and my mangiest dog for companionship.  Here is an obligatory picture of the Washington Monument:

Here's the Lincoln Memorial:

And here's the White House:

I get misty-eyed every time I see it, though that could be the second-hand tear gas.

Anyway, this evening I'll be visiting the National Bike Summit.  Here, I'll be defacing books with my signature at a "Leauge Member meeting," where I pray to the Almighty Lobster on High there will be free alcoholic drinks for me.  Then it's off to find a suitable overpass beneath which to sleep.

On Wednesday, things get really ugly.  At 12:00 in the noontime, I'll be bloviating and defacing more books for the general non-Bike Summit-attending public in the following location:

Barnes & Noble
4801 Bethesda Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814

Sure, it's the wrong city and state, but I'm assured it's at least in the general vicinity of Washington, DC.  Then, finally, at 6:00 in the PM, there will be a ride starting here:

1019 7th Street North West
Washington, DC 20001

This is not a Fredly Lycra-and-yak-leather-shoe ride; rather it is a sociable wear-regular-clothes-and-go-sightseeing ride.  I have never ridden a bicycle in Washington, DC before, so I'm very much looking forward to this outing.  I'm also looking forward to getting totally wasted at the Lincoln Memorial while blasting "The End," which I understand from the "Lonely Planet" guidebook is de rigeur behavior when visiting.

In any case, additional details are here.  Also, should anything urgent arise in my absence I will "Tweat" it here.  In the meantime, I hope to meet at least some of you in the coming days, and I'll resume my blog-"curation" duties on Friday, March 23rd.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

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