Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanks Y'all

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Well, things change quickly in my world sometimes. This morning was a snowstorm of biblical proportions... and all the local are saying that they are NEVER this early in the season (like before Thanksgiving) so it should shape up to be a pretty interesting winter at times. Anyway, because of the storm, my mom didn't want to drive all the way across Northern Nevada just to see little old me for a few days. I know... sad, right? Not so... because she basically just said, "I booked you a flight to come visit us. It'll be safer and cheaper that way." So I'm heading home for Thanksgiving to see my dad, my mom, my brother, my friends, all my peeps pretty much. Now the only concern is them cleaning off the roads between now and then so I can make it to Reno but it has cleared up a bit since the blizzard this morning. Gretchen's a good girl. She'll get me through any kind of weather... but yeah, flying saves time... and I get reward miles. Woot woot!!! Happy birthday to my buddy Isaiah, who has basically been a brother of mine since the 2nd grade (that's over two decades) as he turns... wait for it... THIRTY in a matter of hours. That old basterd!!! Can't wait to see him for a few birthday brews watching football this weekend.

What are you thankful for? Here's a list of some of the things that I am truly thankful for... but don't feel like I do enough to show it.

  • My Family - Though sometimes they irritate the hell out of me & seem to be ripe with drama whenever possible, I am truly thankful for them. I know that if I ever needed anything, they would be there for me... and they Love me for who I am. Though my brother works the hell out of my nerves sometimes... I still love the b**ch.
  • My Friends - You ladies & gentlemen probably have no idea how much you mean to me... and if you ever need anything, I'm here for you. Sure "here" may be a few hundred or thousand miles away... but hey, with today's technology, I could be in the room with you in no time. I'm just a phone call away... and if that isn't enough... I have a web cam... though my voice is usually more satisfying than my face.
  • My Health - I'm two meters tall, just over a hundred kilos, work out most days, though I could probably do some more cardiovascular work, but I'm disease free, have a steady ticker, a body like a stretched-out Greek God, a pretty imaginative little noggin, can eat pretty much anything, no real allergies, a few scars... but ladies love 'em. Yeah, I'm a very lucky man.
  • My Home - Yes, I'm renting an apartment and sharing it with a roommate... but he's one of the most easy going roommates possible & though we've had a few discussions over the past few months, we really get along. Also, having a roof over my head is certainly appreciated every time that I have to brave the elements to go anywhere. It's always nice to have a fireplace, a comfortable couch & a warm blanket to come home too even when I don't have a young lady willing to keep me warm at night.
  • My Job - It's hella busy... I'm overworked and underpaid... and I know that I've talked a few times about just saying "Phuket" and wandering the Earth... but I've been thankful for my job for over a decade now... and it has led me to some wonderful places in the world and made the rent payments and bar tabs over the years. Is it the job of my dreams? No, I'm not a superhero or gigolo (as that seems to be my occupation in most dreams over the years) but it's still pretty cool. I love the people that I work with, the job is somewhat interesting to me, I'm pretty much indispensable... and there's a definite confidence in that. Now if I could just get paid what I'm worth...
  • My Vehicles - Though I haven't been able to spend much time with Baby over the past few years, I know she wishes she were with me too... and my little redheaded mistress Gretchen keeps me company here in the Sierras & keeps me safe. It's a shame that I had to lay Brandy to rest this time last year... but she had a great run. By the way, did I tell you that Gretchen went over 60k miles during the trip out to San Fran the other weekend? Yeah, big moment for her. Can't believe that I've put 14,000 miles on her in the year... and 11,000 since my Road Trip 2010 started.
  • My Troops - I think that I speak for everybody when I say that you ladies & gentlemen protecting our nation are truly the greatest among us. Your tireless efforts and unmatched dedication to your country and our safety is something that we can never repay you. Thank you so much for everything that you do.
  • My Imagination - It keeps me entertained... and apparently some other people out there. Am I capitalizing on it yet? Am I writing mega-blockbuster movies? Am I writing the next great American novella? A collection of short stories that will be studied by future generations to marvel at my use of prose & intricacies of sexual innuendo? Alas, not at this time... and I simply have to rely on my wit & charisma during one-on-one interactions to be my beacon for future generations... but maybe one day, I'll just get really bored (or need the c-c-c-cash) and just git r done and start the next Harry Potter craze or something like that. Could I live with myself for writing some terrible literary phenomenon like the Twilight Saga? You bet your ass I could... and I'm sure plenty of people would want to live with me too. We shall see...

There are a lot of smaller things that I'm thankful for... but yeah, obviously you guys mean the world to me... and I'm VERY excited to get to come and see a lot of you in the flesh for Thanksgiving. Anyway, I guess that'll do it for today. Not much else to say other than that. I'll be sure to pack my camera this time so that you all get to see my niece & nephew... and my face buried in sweet sweet pumpkin pie. Have a great weekend everybody!!!

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