Friday, May 22, 2009

Or We Could Just Make Out Or Something

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

How about them conference finals in the NBA playoffs, huh? What? You haven't watched them either. You call yourselves basketball fans? Oh. Well, I do...and I still haven't seen them...but apparently they were great games. Also, my prediction for Blake Griffin going to Oklahoma City, his hometown market was WAY OFF. Apparently he'll instead be going to the #1 Market in all of the United States via the Los Angeles Clippers (who will probably find a way to screw up this pick...and go with the next Michael Olowakandi again). So yeah, I didn't see the big picture in my prediction...and for that, I apologize. I guess I'm not psychic after all...and the NBA Draft Lottery isn't rigged.

The other night, I watched a few great flicks...and first up was "Yes Man" starring the great Sir James Carrey as a man who changes his life by answering yes to every question & opportunity bestowed upon him (otherwise Lord Zod will destroy him through Karma apparently). Along the way, he meets the lovely & kooky Allison (played by the lovely Zooey Deschanel) and they grow close...but then...disaster a romantic comedy sense. (Gasp) Anyway, it's a great little funny flick...and I knew that it was going to be great from the intro music being "Separate Ways" by Journey. Anyway, the moral of the story is to be open to opportunity to grow, do fun stuff & meet people...and everything happens for a reason...and Karma comes back around. So yeah, I don't believe in any of that stuff at all...and the only nudity was a series of ass this movie was horrible & I wouldn't recommend it to anybody unless they like to laugh a bunch & enjoy the humor of Jim Carrey or the mystical eyes of Zooey Deschanel...or perhaps the casual creepiness of Terence Stamp...or whoever the hell played his boss. That guy was awesome. "You see...what I did there...was I took 'bro' and 'Joseph' and put them together."

What's the best way to follow up a Jim Carrey movie? How about with the Academy Award winner for Best Picture? Okay, maybe not best...but it's what happened. So I finally watched this "Slumdog Millionaire" because I'm a sucker for "realistic" romance movies against all odds...and game shows...and kids playing & living in their own feces. I like the full spectrum of human emotion...and this movie delivers. For those who don't know, this is the story of a young man who grew up in the extreme poverty of Mumbai along with his brother & a girl that they kind of took on as a third musketeer...who turns out to be the love of his life...but life's not always a fairy tale...and so they get separated by the harsh realities of where they live...and then he tries to find her, wherever she may be...and how do you get maximum exposure (even in India)? By getting on TV, preferably a show that everybody watches like "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" and if you're on your way to winning a million bucks, ALL your old friends & acquaintances will seek you out. Anyway, I hate to ruin the ending by telling you that Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole I'd highly recommend that anybody who likes Love should check this movie out...but be warned, it's pretty harsh at some points (think children in poverty & people who would exploit them...and a little religious & "extreme interrogation" violence).

Also, for those of you who took my little "How Well Do You Know Me?" quiz, it is greatly appreciated...and there were some surprising results on there...and then some now so surprising. The Gold Medal for top score...goes to my Wingman...because he claims that he would've gotten 100% if not for a computer error (and because he's a professional BS'er, I'll believe him) and the Silver Medal goes to which I mean, Lilie for getting 80% (and probably higher if she took it seriously). I give a Bronze Medal to everybody else who played. Why? Because you're not really getting anything except a thank you, some general knowledge about me, and a warm smile. In fact, on that note, you all get PLATINUM Medals dipped in diamonds & kryptonite (just in case Superman decides to turn on us).

One thing you all may know about that I share my dreams, especially the odd ones. Well, last night was another one of those. From what I recall, I was at an amusement park of some sort...and I'm standing in line...and I have my hands full of little souvenirs, some in bags. Now, I get to the actual ride and of course, I have to leave the souvenirs with the highly trained teenage professionals that are helping me load into the ride. So I set the stuff down by the exit, pull the lap bar down, keep my hands & feet inside the car at all times, and enjoy the ride. Now, it's not a roller coaster or anything. More like the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland where you just kind of get taken on a track and into all these different rooms and stuff...and some of the stuff that I'm seeing is quite bizarre and creepy in its own right. Think the Haunted Mansion ride...on acid. Some of you may know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. There are mirror rooms with infinity shots and spinning around in them so you're kind of disoriented...and then the colors of the lights change...then into a dining room where everything is still...but its like skeletons in waiter outfits, wolves climbing the walls, a giant roasted turkey in the middle of the table and at the head of the a burlesque dancer standing with one stiletto on the seat of her chair and the other on the table where her dinner plate should be...and so my eye is naturally fixed on her as I'm about to leave the room...and she morphs into some kind of dragon thing (still in the corset and lunges at me but the door slams shut just in time.

So yeah, crazy stuff like that...and then I reach the end of the ride and exit the car. I start to grab my stuff...but I realize that some things are missing. "Where the rest of my stuff?" This teenage girl in a park outfit says, "Oh we gave some of the stuff to that guy" as she pointed to a homeless man sitting near the exit. The thing was...the stuff that she had given him was a little plastic purse for a two-year old...and the Mystery Machine from Scooby-Doo. Obviously this stuff was intended for my niece this sh*t will not stand. "Hey buddy! Gimme my stuff back." "Nah. That chick gave it to me." "Wasn't hers to give...and besides, what do you want with a little purse & toy van anyway?" "(Sigh) You're right. Sorry bud." "It's all good. Hey, I was just about to get some lunch. Do you want some?" "Sure. Who's the purse for anyway?" "My niece. She may be getting too old for stuff like this...but she'll never be too old for her Uncle $teve." Then the dream ended and I heard birds chirping outside of my window at 4 AM. Sorry for the lack of nudity or any kind of a real story...but hey, there was a burlesque dancer morphing into a dragon. Did your dreams last night have that? Didn't think so.

Anyway, that's it for today. Real quick because I'm considering attending some Conduit activities. Conduit is this comic book convention that's in town...and being a Level 3 Nerd, I enjoy some things...but what really sells it, is the people watching. Tonight is apparently a Mascot Contest / Ice Cream Social...and that just sounds like win-win to me. "Ah, these mascots aren't as cool as I would've thought...but at least they have hot fudge sundaes. Best Conduit ever!!!" Anyway, have a great Memorial Weekend everybody!!! This one's for both of us, BSUWG.

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