Sunday, June 7, 2009

Utah Pride Parade '09

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Last night I went to bed pretty early for a Saturday (before midnight) and slept pretty good...until I woke up around 4:43 AM and had to take a leak...and I wasn't feeling good. My throat was sore, head a little groggy...but it was early morning, so whatever. Well, I lie back down in bed...and I kid you not at 4:45 AM, I get a text from Bubbles saying that she needs to talk...if I was up. As luck would have it, I was...but I would've been there for her anyway...because that's what friends are for...even at ungodly hours. This isn't the first time this has happened...where I'll feel pretty sh*tty and then find out that Bubbles is doing the same. It's just this connection or whatever that we have...but then again, it may just be pure coincidence too. Who knows? In fact, it happens a lot more than I would like it to (because I hate to hear of her feeling sh*tty) but at least I know that she appreciates that I'm always there for her...and I would think that if the tables were ever turned and I was in need of something, she'd be there for me...because again, that's what friends are for...even at ungodly hours. I would hope that all of you out there have at least one person that you can call like that. Any hour, any day, any time, and they would be there for you. If not, let me know...and I can probably fit you into the group too.

Anyway, I was still feeling a little crummy when I woke up a few hours later...and the weather was very cloudy & rainy...but it was the morning of the Utah Pride Parade 2009 and I wanted to get out there and show my support. Now, this is the 2nd year that I have gone to this...and I've ran into a few coworkers and acquaintances at the festival...and they're obviously a little surprised to see me. However, I'm showing my support for equal rights & gay marriage. As you may have read, I love the ladies...and occasionally the ladies love me. I think everybody should have the legal right to be married. I know one of the big arguments is with regards to health insurances and stuff like that...but let's face it, if my buddy was in need of medical help...and he didn't have insurance, you bet your sweet bippy (whatever that is) that I'd gay marry him as soon as possible so that he'll live a healthy life. That goes for you ladies too. I'm getting off track a little bit here...but yeah, equal rights y'all. Besides, we all know who throws the best parties...even in the rain. So here are some pictures that I took...
Oh look, there's a Temple in downtown too...
Now for the parade...
Hmm, this was a pleasant surprise
Planned Parenthood handed out condoms
The protestors didn't have the Passion for their Hatred this year
There were only three of them...and they were just as effective
See, when I say put women in cages, it's a bad thing...
This poor sportscar broke down & had to be pushed along
Bagpipes...and the people that blow them
This flag is about 100 yards long methinks... least half a city block
The Festival is at the City & County Building
Christina did a mean Beyonce routine
and this lady/gentleman did a mean Lady Gaga

Around 4 PM, I was starting to feel really I politely excused myself from my cohorts and made my way home (about four blocks away). Then my mom called (she's going to Cali for work again) and took a nap. Then I posted here on this blog. Exciting day, right? Well, I hope that you all learned a little bit about Pride and remember, if you ever need somebody to talk to, you know how to get a hold of me...and I'll answer your call. I always do (unless I'm on a date or something...but you know how rarely that happens). Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a few more Dayquil and watch "True Romance" because I just feel like seeing Gary Oldman as a pimp. Have a great day everybody!!!

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