Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hindsight is always 20/20... Jerry Sandusky, Occupy Wall Street and Common Sense!

"In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have showered with those kids" - Jerry Sandusky

How great is that? Once again, proving that hindsight is 20/20. What do you suppose was his first clue that that was a bad idea? Let's not knock him too much, he was only horsing around with those boys, and every one of us have been in that spot, looking back, realizing what we just did probably wasn't the best idea in the world....

There it is, that "Duh" moment. I don't know why, but I love this picture. It cracks me up, probably because I've been there before, usually once a day, just about the time I get my first comment about this blog.... or maybe its just that look on his face....

Luckily for me I stop short just of kid touching when it hits me, "that was definitely NOT great!"

That's right pal, those WERE the droids you were looking for. Think of all the lives you could have saved, the fate of an entire Empire.... and now we're at the mercy of Rebel Scum.... and its all on you there buddy... you F'ed up!

Not to point out the obvious here, I mean, the caption to the picture explains why all of these guys are grabbing their own junk, but why does the black guy have his meat hook on someone else's unit? Its not as if he needed anything else to make him stand out here, but my guess is that the uniform says it all.... he plays for the other team.

This is looking like a scene out of Nosferatu. Could you imagine if you got caught in a zombie apocalypse, but every zombie was a Hasidic Jew? If it looked anything like this I'd be dead, I'd be laughing too hard to run away, which leads me to another question.... can Hasidic Jew Zombies eat people? What I mean is, is that Kosher?

In case you're not gettin this one, that's former professional wrestler Chris Benoit. I say former because he went on a steroid induced rampage, strangled his wife and kids to death, then hung himself. At first I was going to say this was a bad shirt choice, but in hindsight, it perfectly sums up professional wrastlers... most of them are trailer trash made famous off of steroid induced rampages and choking people out....

But if you needed any more proof that wrestling is gay, its all right here, isn't it? I get what HHH is doing, jamming ole boys head between his legs... but what's that dude off to the side about to do with his fist? He's about to ram it run up ole boy's bent over ass, isn't he? UGH!!! That's not even right.

Speaking of gay.... listening to Judas Priest growing up would have been a lot different if I had seen this shot way back when, wouldn't it? What a horror! Rob Halford always wanted to be one of the Village People, and here he gets his chance. Honestly, how did any of us not see this coming?

But you know who DID see it coming?

That's right! Kurt Cobain saw it coming alright. It was the last thing he saw. Check out Courtney Love back there... enough said!

Why does that seem so damn appropriate here? I can almost see these little bastards planning something like this. Do you think this is what Courtney Love told Kurt Cobain just before he blew his face off? I wonder what the signal was, probably something nasty, something like an old George Carlin favorite, a massive pussy fart! And BAM!

I'm sure that dance move looked a lot better when they did it in their head. Whatever went wrong, the cameraman deserves major props... they had to have caught this with her on the way down. Her face has a one way ticket making a connection with that tiled floor. In about 3 seconds there's going to be blood and teeth everywhere!

Speaking of blood and teeth everywhere.... GOOD! I don't know about you, but I always root for the bull. It drives me crazy any time I see innocents suffering for no good reason, and I REALLY rail against it when its for the joy of others, so animal cruelty is at the top of my list of no-no's. So if you're the dumbass that gets himself impaled and then trampled by a thousand plus pound rampaging beast because you get a chuckle out of caging them, hurting them, and then riling them up.... you deserve what you get... and I get to laugh at your pain and misery after the fact.

You know from my posts and the many, MANY times you've come to me for my Life Coaching services that I'm all about empowerment, so this comic was right up my alley. That line right there, very true, is probably the biggest nail in the toe for all of us at the bottom looking up... you can have all the best ideas in the world, you can plan out all the details, know everything that has to be done and have it all worked out perfectly.... but without the power to get those plans going, to breathe life into what you're trying to do, you've got a whole lot of nothing....

And it fits perfectly that I bring this up on the day Occupy Wall Street is getting flushed from their flopping grounds....

"Bring out the crack suicide squad!"

I guess you have to know Monty Python to get that one. All I know is that fixing bayonets BEFORE the weapons tossing was not the best idea. This is going to get messy.

Did you see the piles of garbage they cleared out of Zuccotti Park from the OWS people? It was disgusting, like the dumps in Staten Island. What a disaster!

But how awesome is this.... Occupy Wall Street is supposed to be about corporate power and economic inequity... Billionaire Jay-Z made a killing for his clothing company off of shirts made about the event. Now on top of nationwide troubles with degenerates the movement has now found ways to FUND the corporate machine..... that's brilliant! What was that line about plans and power again?

What this has to do with hindsight I have no idea, maybe it has something to do with those pants, but it came up in my search, and did you honestly think I'd go an entire post without having even one lovely lady?

But its good also that she has nothing to do with hindsight because it allows me to add my lesson for the day. Yes, hindsight is always 20/20, and when the term comes up its always in some connection with "how the hell did you not see that coming, its common sense!". Common Sense... if we all had it there would never be a need for hindsight, right? At least that's how the story goes.

Trouble is, there's no such thing as common sense. It doesn't exist. In Social Psychology we have a phenomena called Hindsight Bias. Simply put, the answers always seem so much clearer once you know the outcome, and upon knowing that outcome, those feelings that we had that tell us were were right in the first place always appear to be much stronger than they really were. Its so pervasive that you can give a person a wrong answer and they'll explain to you all the reasons why that makes "perfect sense". Think about it and I'm sure you'll remember doing it yourself. Here endeth the lesson of the day.

Later People.

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