Thursday, November 10, 2011

Joe Paterno - The Alternate Scooby Doo ending!

Alright, I'm in an unusual amount of pain today and mentally just completely out of it, having a hard time pulling it together, so this will be quick today, but like a virgin with a complex, I just want to get it in there, so here we go....

We all know how guys talk to each other, right? Especially in that locker room type setting. Imagine its 1984, way back then before it was acceptable for homosexuals to come out of the closet, before the Rodney King beating pulled Political Correctness to the forefront of, well, everything, even ahead of truth and honesty, when the most insulting thing a man could call another man was.... FAG!

So guys break each others balls constantly, its how we say "I love you, Man!", and they sit down for a meeting in front Joe...

"Jerry, you child molester!"
Jerry looks over with an odd glint in his eye... "heh, FAG!"
"Alright you two" Joe Paterno says, "every day with this fag and child molester stuff, cut the crap, we've got Ohio State this week..... "

Its just guys being guys, right. Same nonsense, just horsing around.

Then an assistant somewhere comes up to Joe Paterno and says to him....
"hey Joe, there are rumors going around that Jerry's touching little boys"

Paterno thinks nothing of it, he here's this crap every damn day, those idiots busting on each other. Its just jock talk, making light of things, having a good time. But, just because he HAS to, Paterno brings it to HIS boss, his athletic director who tells him...."

"Joe, you and I know its just guys being guys.... hard to take that sort of thing out of a team setting, sort of clowning around that brings us together.... but better tell them to cut the crap anyway just in case, don't want there to be trouble over nothing...."

So they take care of it and that's it, lets concentrate on football.

Except 27 years later it comes out that Jerry Sandusky really WAS molesting little boys. The assistant that heard the rumors comes out and says "I told Joe, he went to the athletic director with it and it went nowhere from there".

Now Paterno, old as hell and half in the bag already, has no idea what the hell is going on. He's getting crucified over this craziness, and all he can do is stand around with that stupid look on his face thinking WTF? What just happened?

And if you know people, certainly if you know guys, and you know how things go out there in the every day, this easily sounds just as plausible a scenario as any other. How crazy would it be to piss all over the legacy of one of the real good guys if this is how it went down?

My point today is... until we know, we don't know.

Some 12 hours before the show "Crimes Against Nature" hit my screen, an just before seeing "Fatal Honeymoons", two real attention grabbers, I caught some show about the 10 greatest Hollywood news stories, scandals, what have you... EVER!

And they got into our friend, our pal, every one's favorite sideline reporter.... you know his as Nordberg, you love him...... you guessed it, I'm talking about O.J. Simpson!

Taking a look at this story the way we did with Joe Pa.... imagine O.J. really DIDN'T do it? Imagine the juice was telling the truth, really was away, and Nicole Simpson was the victim of a drug deal gone wrong. That sort of thing happens every single day.

Now O.J. is caught in a bad way. His wife was just murdered by drug dealers, his kids were there, he's distraught, but once the world finds out he's a raging drug addict, his clean cut reputation, everything he's worked so hard for, everything we all love about him.... GONE!

So he flips out, gets in his car and drives to clear his head.... but he cops think he's running.

After all of this a once solid life spirals out of control, he becomes the very thing we all accused him of being.... yeah, this happens too. Think about that for a minute.

I was saw O.J.'s lawyer Johnny Cochran on a Manhattan street going to play pool one night... he was wearing a fur coat, flanked by a group of some of the hottest women I've ever seen, four to each side of him.... if it don't fit, you must.... he's dead now, but did that guy know how to party or what?

Speaking about white women getting nailed by black running backs out of USC, that same show had a spot about Kim Kardashian on it, portraying her as a sweet woman always looking to make everyone happy..... she may very well be. I refuse to watch her show, really know nothing about her, which brings me to the point I wanted to make today....

Communication is everything, and I rarely get the message I want to send the way that I want to, so I wanted to clear something up.... often you'll hear me ripping into people, celebrities, for the messed up things that they do. Well, I'm not perfect either, I'm a total disaster, doing all kinds of messed up things myself. Even with my piece yesterday which spoke of how we need a hero, I don't know that I personally could live up to that standard myself, which only serves to highlight the difficulty of the situation.

Jessica Simpson
 People are people, prone to the same mess, no matter what situations or walk of life they're coming from. So my point isn't to bash people like Kim Kardashian or Snooki, or anyone else for that matter. I really don't care what the do as long as they don't make my life more difficult. Beyond that, people in glass houses.... you know?

Wait, that aint Snooki... Thank God!

What I'm really railing against are the reasons we put the people that we do up on those lofty pedestals, and trying to point out why it leads us astray so far as I can see it.

Hey, do what you got to do, if it makes you feel good do it, all of that. Have a good time, its what we're here for. I'm all for all of that, looking for all the ways I can do that for myself.

Just don't do it on the backs of others. We have a long way to go before we can all be dancing in the streets.

Anyway, I'm on all kinds of drugs right now... and they're really kicking my ass, I don't even know what I'm saying, so I'm out... for now.

Later People!

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