Monday, January 16, 2012

Welcome to 2012!

Its been a while now since I've posted something new, and for the most part its because lately I haven't had much new to say. While there are a couple of pieces building up their time has yet to come, like the growth of a child in the womb, these things take time to develop properly. In other words, as Judge Reinhold would say.... I shall serve no fries before their time!

But its also the responsibility of anyone in my current position to pop out every once in a while to say hello, let the world know that you're still there, and so here I am.

Did anyone happen to catch the Golden Globes last night? There were a few things that really stood out to me beyond all of the big time celebrities filling the crowd. This is really an event for them, by them, so that they could celebrate each other. Or, as we like to put it in Queens, and excuse for actors to form gaggles and blow each other.

George Clooney must be loved everywhere by the people he works with, which I quess is as much a sign as any of a quality human being, so long as those qualities are the ones that people are looking for. Qualities that people are looking for and qualities that make one a good person aren't always the same, are they? Clooney has to be loved, how else could you possibly explain how a movie like "The Descendants" wins an award for Best Drama over a film like "War Horse".

Truth be told, I haven't seen either, but I don't have to. We all know the type of movies that win awards. It doesn't take much to see that just like Cronyism is Washington, Cronyism is all over Hollywood too. Truth be told.... all of society is inundated with cronyism. We're all full of shit pushing some sort of agenda or other.

As much as I loved the film version of "Moneyball", it too had no more dramatic presence than most popcorn, girly, romantic comedy nonsense, yet we all love Brad Pitt don't we? No surprise then that was up for the same considerations as Clooney.

Connecting to Brad Pitt.... tell me Angelina Jolie didn't look like a crack head last night? I'm not sure if it was the no muscle, skin stretched over bone thing going on with her arms that made her shoulder look HUGE, but someone needs to feed that woman. Its either that, or that cocaine is a hell of a drug.

Beyond that, there was one really big, really important idea that came out of the entire affair for me. Everyone of those people up there.... they are no longer in that place in life like most of us where they have to work anymore. Now the projects they choose have everything to do with what they want to pour themselves into in life, what they want to work on because they WANT to, and not because they have to.

To me, that's all money really is. Its the freedom to do the things you enjoy and pour your whole self into it without the fear or distractions that accompany the need for such ventures to be successful that the rest of us have to endure.

More and more it becomes apparent that, as all success guru's will all tell you, if you're not passionate about what you're doing there's no way you can ever be really successful at it.

If only we all could be given that cushion, that protective bubble, in order to work at our passions and nothing else. That's the Garden of Eden.

So much like those popcorn fliks I had mentioned before, today this is no more than a quick "Hi, how ya doing?", but its a new year, a new start, a new mindset.... lets see if we can't just find that Garden of Eden together.

Welcome to 2012!

Later People.

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