Thursday, March 15, 2012

Afghanistan - Time to Leave

Karzai wants us out of Afghanistan. Good! I say let's pack up and leave. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm sick and tired of the manufactured outrage over the accidental burning of a few Korans. I'm sick and tired of the manufactured outrage over the fact that the alleged massacre soldier was moved to Kuwait. I'm sick and tired of spending American blood and treasure on some hell hole full of tribal Muslims who all hate us and are content to live in the 7th century.

I say goodbye and good riddance. If there are some troublesome Taliban remaining, then let's use up a few of our nukes on them. Obama wants to get rid of them anyway. Yes, turn the place into glass and let it glow in the dark for 1000 years. It would not hurt my feelings one damned bit.

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