Thursday, March 15, 2012

Manning Mania in Tennessee

Tennessee Titans fans are all in a dither over the prospect of acquiring Peyton Manning as quarterback for the team....well, not all Titans fans are in a dither.

As talks between the 13 year veteran and the Titans continue, I am not sure it is a gamble I would be willing to make. After all he has been at it for 13 years, a long time for an NFL QB and he's 36 years old. I am not convinced he will be able to continue after his neck injury and surgeries, in fact I think Peyton is taking a big risk by continuing to play, but alas, they did not ask for my opinion.

The Titans have two pretty good QBs already in the form of Matt Hasselbeck and Jake Locker. In my humble opinion the smart play would be to save the Manning money and concentrate on cultivating Locker for the future. Spending money on firming up the offensive line and wide receiver corps would be my strategy.

Now don't get me wrong. If Manning is the man and is able to play at his usual level, I'll be delighted. I still have worries about the offensive line being able to protect him in the manner he is used to. Also he had a great variety of weapons when he was with the Colts. He can throw great passes all day long, but if the guy on the other end is going to drop most of them, then things are not going to go well. Worries, worries, worries.

I smiled as I watch one of my Facebook friends swoon over Manning and the days when he played at the University of Tennessee. I pointed out to her that fond memories of the big orange and Rocky Top were not going to do a single thing to help the Titans score touchdowns. It should be interesting.

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