Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Flying Ninja Elvi

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

The weekend in Vegas was a lot of fun. Many thanks to Bubbles for making it so. Basically, Friday & Saturday nights we went to various bars including PT's and the Yardhouse with some of her friends from work and had a great old time...and then recovered during the day. I even helped out by babysitting Keanna for her roommate. Not a big deal because she can be a lot of fun (until she gets bratty, probably needing a nap) but we had a good time. Bubbles was also an amazing friend as always telling me how excited she was about me starting at Lake Tahoe & how I'm going to be wonderful & have nothing to worry about because I make friends everywhere I go & everybody's going to visit because it's such an amazing place...which logically I knew...but I guess when I had a few drinks my mind kind of shut down and my worries rose to the top. That's what friends are there for...and that's why I'm always there for her when she has had similar concerns about Vegas when she moved down there. Thanks Bubbles!!! You're more amazing than you even know...and I hope that you realize that one day.

So yeah...now I'm back & getting everything packed for the big move this weekend...but I did take time last night to go to BIRTHDAY dinner with JL Clyde & her family (since it was a free meal at the Bayou with good people, was I gonna say no?) at the Bayou. Hadn't been there since my birthday party just before I moved back here. Good eats, good beers, good times. Sorry I don't have a whole lot of stories and stuff to share with you about the Vegas trip but I'll be sure to catch you up one day. For example, the story about how the f**k this gaping wound to my pants came to happen while eating a meal at the Yardhouse...

By the way, it may or may not involve ninja assassins and catlike reflexes on my part. You gotta love those wacky Vegas nights. Have a great day everybody!!!

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