Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Empress...

When the Empress card appears in your reading, what does it predict for you?

The Card is Upright

When you pull this card, it means you have begun to nurture positive development. The Empress symbolizes love, reassurance, prosperity and birth; welcome this card. The Empress is the card of Love. It brings wonderful influences and benefits. No matter what the current circumstances, they can only be helped and improved. You will be able to renew, nurture, nourish and build on plans, ideas, or projects already begun. Emotional experiences will be beyond the mundane and attached lovers will feel a love that holds no bounds. For the unattached, this card suggests a new love that is about to enter their life and this will be someone who will come to mean more to them than they could have ever imagined. If love is offered, and returned by the other person involved, you should accept it with grace and gratitude. Remember that love rejected may never be offered again. This card also represents the start of a creative project. There is going to be a flood of growth and abundance, an upcoming job or venture. It is a reminder that there is always enough for everyone to enjoy. Your life will be full of opportunity, along with a warning of a waiting period.

The Card is reversed:

You may feel insecure but you will get the successful result of hard work. You may fear that you may take wrong decisions but will be blessed with instinct intuitive flashes that enable you to make the right decision when there is a time for conscious thoughts. This is also a time of false appearance, vanity, disdain, frivolity, delays or careless spending. There could be a delay in things hoped for or predicted. This card can signal that you, or a woman in your life, is being too protective for comfort and may even resort to emotional blackmail to get what she wants. Reversed, this card indicates money worries and a need to handle your finances carefully. A reversed card, which is what you have drawn, indicates the card`s original meaning is still present in the reading, but somehow the energy is thwarted, hidden, reversed, repressed, denied, or unable to reveal itself correctly. A reversed card can be confusing and complex because literally, it describes things that are "not what they seem." In fact, you may even be dealing with issues of inaction, delays in accomplishment or rejection.

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