Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Looney Facebook Liberal's View of Republican Voters

This is pathetic, but I intercepted this from one of the looney Facebook liberals. She is explaining why people in the south vote for Republicans. Just read and sadly shake your heads:

I can only speak for the deep South - They vote against their best interests because they believe - DEEPLY BELIEVE - that gay marriage is an abomination that will destroy the family, that abortion is murder, not matter what, that any health care that includes birth control (and many other "women's" health issues, for that matter) is something that should come out of their pockets, that a woman's place is only in the home and she needs to get her behind back in the kitchen, where it belongs, that publicly-lead prayer belongs back in our schools, and that the only good education is a private, religiously-based one that teaches evolution as science. I mean none of this sarcastically. They really do believe this. Since the Republican party is currently telling them this is okay and this is what they are going to bring back (A return to an idealized version of the 1950s), they vote for them. They DO NOT LOOK at the big business agenda and the payola taken from lobbyists to go against the best interests of this country.

This is pretty pathetic and very revealing. She begins by deciding what is in "our best interest" like she should know better than we. The Bible, not I, declares that homosexuality is an abomination. Frankly I could care less which way one swings. On the other hand I won't have to explain my lifestyle choices before God.

Yes abortion is murder. What else would you call the taking of an innocent life?

Uh, what is wrong with paying for healthcare out of your pocket, women's health issues or otherwise? Who else should pay for it and why?

There are plenty of successful women who have been both mothers and explored other careers. Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann immediately come to mind.

I have no problem with prayer in schools or public places. If a Jew, a Muslim, or a Buddhist wants to utter a prayer, I have no problem with it. I am not offended by it nor am I threatened by it. If I don't want to hear it I can get up and leave.

I wouldn't doubt that private, religiously based education is probably the best way to go. I have paid for my grandson's education in this setting and I don't think we could have done any better. Some of the skulls full of mush turned out this day and time by the gubment schools are a disgrace. The NEA of course is part of the problem.

Yes, I'm voting against the socialist Dimocrat party simply because those evil Republicans tell us it is OK. It couldn't have anything to do with failed Dimocrat programs, one after another, exploding debt, diminution of our military, and erosion of our personal liberty and God given it couldn't possibly be because of any of that.

By the way, I found out this woman is a teacher......God help us.

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