Sunday, September 13, 2009

Supernatural Light

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Yesterday wasn't a whole lotta anything. I wasn't feeling too well (head cold or something) so I didn't pursue any kind of social activity in order to halt the spread of disease. My brother stopped by for a bit though. See, his PS3 stopped working...and after 3 days without a system, he was getting REALLY desperate to get it fixed in a timely manner. Well, we searched the web and found a place here in Slick City that could fix it. Normally, you'd send it back to Sony...and it's a $150 service charge...and even then they say they may not be able to help you or guarantee anything...and it takes 3-4 weeks because they send it to India (remember my fiasco?). Well, there's a place called Knight's Gaming Repair a few blocks from my work...and we took it there...and within an hour they fixed it for $100. So yeah, there's my shameless plug for the day. If your PS3 isn't working, give them a call.

After that, I went home, did laundry, and watched the first eight episodes of "Supernatural" which I had never seen before but was highly recommended by The Wingmans & Filly. It's about two brothers, Sam & Dean, who are reunited when their father goes missing. See, their family hunts paranormal things whenever they arise. You know, like ghosts & boogeymen & demons & chupacabra & other X-files stuff. So far, they're basically just trying to find their dad...and maybe avenge a death or two...but I'm sure eventually they'll hook up with their dad because I think it's in its fifth season now. It's a pretty good show thus far...but it definitely has a pattern so far...and here it is. Remember, I'm like a third of the way through the first season...

  • Odd Death Opening somewhere in the Midwest

  • Read about in the newspaper, "That's not far from here"

  • "I don't wanna go. We should look for dad." "Dad would do it." "Okay."

  • Let's be fake cops & tamper with a crime scene

  • Enter hot chick victim

  • "We'll find out what did this"

  • Research at a library

  • Dean refers to Sam as "College boy"

  • Sam has a nightmare

  • "Nearly every culture has a story about (what they're fighting this week)"

  • More people die mysteriously

  • "We're going about this all wrong"

  • At least one of the brothers spends a few hours in lockup for impersonating a cop (but doesn't go to jail for some reason)

  • Victim's Secret is found out

  • Final battle with mystical creature

  • Silver bullets apparently kill anything

  • "Thank you" and kiss from hot chick victim

  • Drive into the sunset in badass muscle car listening to classic rock

Like I said, it's a pretty good show thus far...but there's a pattern...and I'm sure it changes a little bit later on. I just think there should be more nudity, that's all. Don't give me that look. It's not like there isn't already implied nudity. In eight episodes there have been sorority girls changing clothes, shower scenes, soaks in the tub, sexy hitchhikers, stops at make-out point & other such situations. Really intrigued though...and looking forward to how this show goes.

Today is also the first weekend of professional football that counts...and lucky me, I got to watch the Broncos & Bengals play what can only be categorized as a game where only one team can lose. It was pretty bad. It seemed that every four plays or so, I was seeing a punt (If you don't know what a punt is? Ask Lilie) and in between were dropped passes. It was pretty sad to watch really...and I was kinda rooting for the Broncos know, I lived in Denver...and Brian Dawkins (and Correll Buckhalter) is with them there's a little Philly Love that has spilled over...but let's face it, they kinda suck. Anyway, it was just about the worst game ever...until the last 30 seconds. I'm sure you've all seen the highlight (yes, there was really only one). Also, McNabb may be hurt (surprise, surprise) but we'll see how bad. Hopefully the games were better elsewhere...but because Denver's the closest geographical franchise, we here in Utah are forced to watch their games every Sunday...and either the Raiders or 49ers...and then the Cowboys if none of them are available due to blackouts. Yeah, we get f**ked on our football viewing pleasure. Oh well, at least I'm not in Detroit.

So there's just four more days until I'll be in Lake Tahoe for the first time...and possibly doing an interview for a future job...and checking out apartments...and grocery stores and the like.Worst-case, it still should be a pretty fun weekend full of scenery & good times with my mama. That'll do it for today. Not really much to tell other than that. So yeah. Have a great day everybody!!!

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