Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Warning: I Use the C-Word a Few Times

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Today started out pretty good. I was going to do a nice, merry little ditty about football...and try to explain some of the terminology...and my new favorite word...on top of all my usual ramblings...but apparently that wasn't to be. You see, I'm a pretty easy going guy. I typically don't wish harm on others...and on the rare occasion that I do, most would agree that it's warranted. Well, today I felt...I guess extreme anger wouldn't quite do it. More of like, a vengeance. I really want something bad to happen to somebody.

As you may have heard over the past...few years, my brother & his now ex-wife (horrible fucking CUNT that she is) have been "together" as a family. Basically what that means...is they've been living together...except for when she wants to randomly disappear for weeks at a time until she wants to play with her kids again, while my brother & mom take care of everything. That worked well for...about the first year of their marriage. Then apparently that wasn't dysfunctional enough...because my family's pretty easy going...and didn't kick her out on her ass like she would expect from her crack whore mother (rest her soul). Anyway, basically for the last year or so, my ex-sister-in-law has just done everything in her power to A) Leave my brother to raise her kids, which he willingly does; B) F**k with his heart strings in every possible way; C) Live off my mother or the United States government by lying to various welfare departments; D) Shed anything baring a resemblance to responsibility; and E) F**king with the heart strings of her children by disappearing for weeks on end, showing up about 20% of the time that she's arranged for visitation & IF she shows up...after AT MOST 1o hours, she'll call my brother (usually at work trying to support his children) and tell him that she can't handle being with them and that he or my mom needs to come and pick them up NOW. Which they are more than willing to do.

Earlier today, this whole clusterf**k was scheduled to be resolved. Over the last ten months, she has continued leeching off my family & my government under the guise that she was going to sign adoption papers so that my niece Kairi (of which my brother is not the biological father...but he has raised her since before she was born, which is more than that CUNT and her f**king meth dealer who impregnated her can say) would have a family that loves her & will be there for her, a stable & safe home, the greatest uncle on planet Earth and every advantage that a beautiful child like her should have...while allowing my sister-in-law to continue doing whatever the f**k she wants and visit the kids as she pleases (whenever the hell that is, usually around the holidays for a few hours) and we could all move on with our separate lives. However, that was not to be.

In the State of Utah, the mother has ABSOLUTE POWER, no matter how irresponsible & ill-fit a parent they might be, no matter the constant history of child neglect, substance abuse, past child abandonment or questionable character. It may not be written in such a manner...but I have yet to be proven wrong from that statement...and believe me, this is pretty much the extreme case. So everybody shows up to the courtroom today, including my niece Kairi. My brother didn't want to bring her...because honestly, she's not even three years old...and why should she or any other child should ever see the inside of a courtroom is beyond me. However, she was obviously the one who was to be adopted, so she came along.

Long story short, CUNT & her lawyer basically said, "Nevermind, I want her now" and got her they did. The police literally took my niece crying from my brother (who I'm sure was contemplating grabbing the pistol from his belt...but thankfully didn't act on impulse). So instead of being a glorious day in which everybody got what they wanted, that bitch broke my brother's heart again, has made my mother cry all f**king day, has wasted everybody's tax dollars & has caused me to question the entire f**king legal system...and wonder if we shouldn't all just be vigilantes & take whatever we want. I would love to say that I'm surprised at the outcome...but I've seen this too many times before in my life, so it was expected. My only hope was that maybe she'd do what she did with her first daughter Kelaudri...and basically say to the judge, "I'm a strung-out crack whore with no ambition, skills or sanity who shouldn't be allowed within 100 miles of any child. Her father is a great guy with a great family and I hereby give unto them full custody" and that would turn to the standard custody once she realized that she can get support checks though probably only seeing the kids for a few hours a month. That obviously didn't happen.

What now? Well, I hope & I pray that she has just decided to turn a new leaf...and will FINALLY be a decent mother to her kids. I hope that the possibility of being alone has changed her point of view and shown her that sacrifice & determination are essential parts of being a parent...and not just passing a baby through your abysmal vagina & leaving it for other to take care of while you play with your friends. GOD I pray that she wants to be a great parent & do something with her life other than flush it down the toilet...and raise her daughter to be just like her...as what happened with her mother. If that's the case, then maybe today is not a tragic day. Maybe this is the start of a new life for her...and everybody else...and I shouldn't worry that my amazing niece is under the supervision of somebody that I wouldn't entrust with my pet rock Sammie. I want her to be a decent parent so much now that it physically hurts me inside to think of her not being one.

Then again, I also really want Megan Fox...and gasoline to be under a buck a gallon...and sewer rat to taste like pumpkin pie...and Pandas to run free in herds...and world peace. However, in any of those cases, there are a LOT of steps from Point A to Point B...and a lot of unlikely things have to happen for that to come to fruition. In the meantime, my family is going to keep fighting...and despite their overwhelming evidence that supports their cause, they are at a SEVERE disadvantage because A) My brother is not the biological father; B) They were not married at the time that Kairi was born; and C) They live in the great state of Utah were the mother has absolute power. I'll be sure to keep you all posted...and I apologize for the dreary email full of colorful metaphors and adult language. I just...I'm the kind of guy where you can f**k with me all you want...but if you f**k with my family, I will end you. You made my mama cry...and my brother cry...and my dad & I never liked you anyway...but we put up with you for their sake. All I'm saying is that you'd better keep a straight & narrow path.

Again, I apologize everybody. I'm sure that tomorrow's entry will be a little more light-hearted. Why? Because I know that there's a special place in Hell for my ex-sister-in-law involving pineapples and power drills if she does any harm to my niece. Have a great night everybody!!!

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