Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yes... Post Number 999

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Yes, it's no joke... been doing this a few years... and this is post number 999 aka the Hanging Upside-Down Sign of the Devil that you see in really bad movies. The Devil in the mirror... and most importantly, the one before the end of the first THOUSAND entries. Yes, if these were compiled into books... I'd probably be somewhere on volume 8 or 9 of my memoirs. Okay, so most of the stuff is about movies, sports, news clips & the like rather than my personal gibberish... but still... it'd make for a great conversation collection on your reading nook. Conversations around the world would start amongst friends with "You read this sh*t?" "Of course I do... and I'm raising his child." Alas, here is the updated from the last week...

Last weekend, Dizzy & I went to a Chilean Independence Party at her friend's apartment in the Inner Sunset. Good times were had... and we drank beer, pisco sours (some type of South American brandy mixed with egg whites & sugar) and they (Dizzy mostly) made homemade empanadas. Here are some pictures...

The work week was... more of the same. A lot of work... apparently enough pay for it... and then the afternoons I caught up on Daily Show & Colbert Report. It's my news. Deal with it. It's not the only news I watch... but it's the only news I enjoy to watch... because there's nothing like facts with a dose of hilarious reality.

Saturday, Dizzy & I went to the Superhero Street Fair in the Mission / Portero Hill / Industrial Park area near Cesar Chavez & Indiana. It was pretty cool. People were dressed up, there were vendors selling artistic goods (we may have a booth at these kind of events soon), dance beats were being belted out by overweight white guys in costumes, 21st Amendment Hell or High Watermelon Wheat Ale was pretty delicious, there were exhibits of reclaimed art (made from trash), human hamster ball races, good times. Here are pictures... of us... dressed as Special Agents Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, FBI...

Afterwards, we headed to Chinatown for the Moon Festival for more crafts, a sh*t ton more people, and basically we had lunch at the dim sum buffet (chicken claws included this time, not impressed at all) and I don't even have any pictures. You may want to check Dizzy's blog for those.

Saturday night, we watched a marathon of "Prophets of Science Fiction" on the Science Channel including H.G. Wells, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein & Philip K. Dick. Sh*t was amazing... I highly recommend it. Basically the shows are about how these sci-fi writers "predicted" technology & it's effect on people... which in all reality was basically showing that they studied human nature & could make deductive reasoning... but still, very interesting. Go check them out. George Lucas and a few others are on the queue but haven't gotten to them yet.

Today, I watched football... and had I thought about it, I might be doing a live blog thing about it like I did last year... but hey, maybe next week... if you're lucky... cuz I'm kinda hilarious. So yeah... next entry will be 1000. Fun fact, here are the numbers of posts per year since I started this thing... and you tell me if there's a pattern in my free time...

2007 - 195 (started in May)
2008 - 309
2009 - 206
2010 - 176
2011 - 75
2012 - 38 (this is number 38, in late September)

Have a great day everybody!!! TECHNOCRACY!!!

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