Saturday, October 27, 2012


Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Yes, it's true... I'm going to the Super Bowl. No, not as a player, but as a spectator. Also, I will be going to Mardi Gras again. Last time seems so long ago and it was only four years ago... and frankly it was a few moves ago. Allow me to specify a bit to avoid any confusion on the current situation. Yes, I will be in the city of New Orleans for basically the first two weeks of February. Yes the Super Bowl will be in the Superdome on February 3rd. Yes, Fat Tuesday, the last day of Mardi Gras is February 12th so I'll be there for the week-plus of parades & celebrations leading up to it. Yes, I have a plane ticket. Yes, I have the vacation approved from my work (the real concern... but they've been impressed with my performance). Yes, I have a place to stay at Filly's crib (on her couch but totally fine for me).

No, I don't have an actual ticket to the Super Bowl yet... but if I find the right deal then I'll be at the actual game... worst-case, I'll be a part of many of the cities' festivities leading up to it & watch the game at a bar or something for all I care. Yes, going to the actual game would be a big check on the Bucket List... but if it's going to cost me two month's salary & the Eagles aren't a part of it, then who gives a sh*t if it's the Patriots - Giants Part III: Prima Tom-ma vs. Elisha?

Also, I will obviously be spending time with one of my favorite people in the entire world, Filly. It seems so long since we've been able to have fun together, so I'm really looking forward to that. Also, even if it weren't for the major events & good friends... I'd be in one of the most amazing cities in the United States, if not the world. So yeah... kind of excited about it.

Also... guess whose mama is coming to visit him on Friday. That's right. She & my stepdad are coming out for their annivesary (I think it's number 15) in Monterey, so obviously she wants Dizzy & I to go out with her for a few days. She'll get the weekend but we have to work (since I just got approved for my New Orleans vacation). It should be fun though. So yeah... that's a quick catch up on things... and this week is Halloween celebrations... so I'm sure pictures will be on the way.

Have a great weekend everybody!!!

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