Thursday, June 23, 2011

Graphic Novel Anthology by Dimitri Kozma: "Os Contos das Sombras da Mente"

This is an anthology of old comics created by me until 1998. Called "Os Contos das Sombras da Mente" or "The Tales of Shadows in the Mind", this graphic novel shows some different stages of my early artworks.

It's available only in Portuguese, showing histories about the obscure side on the human mind. Some as horror tales and others as dramatic novels.

Was published in fanzines and across the web sites, the visual style is dated and inconstant, but the message and subtexts still there and working. That's why I have created this tales anthology.

Some of histories was created as a quick rough, for a indie fanzine when I was a teenager and starting to draw, so the artwork sometimes is a little poor, but the themes and tales worth a read.

I believe in free for all entertainment, culture and information, then I've made this graphic novel to be free distributed with no commercial purposes and no changes in the contents.

Sorry about the Portuguese original language, but it's really hard to translate the contents of the tales to English and keep the subtexts of language.

"Os Contos das Sombras da Mente" (The Tales of Shadows in the Mind)
Graphic Novel Indie Anthology
Author: Dimitri Kozma
Number of Pages: 116 pages
Black and White
Language: Portuguese 
Theme: Drama, Horror for adults

Tales included in this anthology:
- No Limiar da Antropofagia

- Repugnância e Atração
- Sanha de Sangue
- A Mais Sombria das Noites
- Corpo Abjeto
- Mais do Mesmo
- A Violência Travestida Faz Seu Trottoir
- Prazer Macabro
- E Agora?
- Sequelas
- Atirei o Pau no Gato
- Futebol e Fome
- Uma Velha Historinha
- O Trabalho
- Rock Star
- Esquizophrenia

Click on graphic novel cover to free download the full version of comic book.

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