Monday, May 27, 2013

[Free-Reprint-Articles] Looking Back And Looking Forward: One Year Later After A Health Crisis


Article Submission Detail:

Article Title: Looking Back And Looking Forward: One Year Later After A Health Crisis
Author Name: Laurie Miller, C.C.H.
Contact Email Address:
Word Count: 692
Suggested Category: health
Keywords: Laurie Miller,illness,cancer,hypnosis,hypnotherapy,hypnosis CD,hypnosis MP3,health crisis,diagnosis
Description: How do you look back and look forward at the same time? After a serious illness it is important to learn from the past while looking towards the future. Learn how.
Copyright Date: 2013

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Complete Article with Resource Box at end:

Looking Back And Looking Forward: One Year Later After A Health Crisis

How do you look back and look forward at the same time? When a serious diagnosis of illness or surgery hits you, you have to plan for treatment, support, doctor visits, time, and money. You are caught in a whirlwind of activity. Then you settle into the routine of treatment and deal with the limitations that come with it. It all forces you into the moment and depending on the seriousness of the treatment, your life revolves around it.

Hopefully the healing process goes well. Your body responds to treatment and your bouts with fatigue, nausea, pain and discomfort lessen or you adapt your activities to your energy level.

Then it hits . . . the big question: What happens to me now? Then comes a deluge of more questions: Am I going to be well after treatment? Will I need more treatment? Will the disease or problem reappear? Will support be there when I need it? Are my caregivers burned out? Ultimately, you ask yourself the question: How long will I survive? Becoming aware of this larger reality versus focusing only on the treatment routine can hit you hard like a punch in the gut. The questions pour out of your mind and sometimes they just won't let up.

If you are doing well you have to deal with the expectations from others that you are fine because, of course, they want you to be fine (as do you). However, this time can be filled with fear, anxiety, stress and negative projections. It can feel like a war between your negative mind (what if, if only, should, shouldn't, can't) and the positive thoughts (I am well, healthy, strong, resilient) that you worked so hard to create during treatment. A positive attitude goes a long way in speeding up recovery.

This phase of healing may feel like a backslide. The emotions take over the rational and the spiritual takes a back seat or disappears altogether. Fortunately, this period of time will pass with support. A good working relationship with your doctors is imperative as your doctors are there to support and guide you. Other ways to get support include psychotherapy with someone you trust, hypnotherapy (which works well to eliminate fear and anxiety to get you back on a positive track), meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques. Acupuncture and chiropractic help calm the nervous system and restore balance. Sharing your fears with close friends who will just listen and refrain from the need to "fix it" are also valuable in helping you restore balance and strength.

It is also important to understand that most of your questions may not ever be answered. We don't have total control over the future and what will happen. Letting go of the need to ask questions and get answers is very important to your healing process. Your goal is to find peace without the answers.

Now it is time to take control over what you can control . . . YOURSELF! You do have control over your choices and decisions. Carefully weigh your alternatives and then trust your"gut." You have control over your communication with yourself, friends, family, and the medical community. You have control over how you act. You can choose to be kind and understanding toward yourself or live in a place of fear and disharmony. Ultimately, you have control over what you believe. If you have a spiritual belief system, this can help make you strong, help you stay in the moment, and create self-trust in managing your medical crisis. No matter what you believe, you can find strength in taking good care of yourself physically and supporting your emotional health by creating fun, laughter, and things that make you smile. You create self-empowerment and stamina by keeping mentally focused on your goal: to be well and to stay well and to take life in stride.

Looking back shows you how far you have come and looking forward teaches you to be resilient and to value every moment of your precious life.

© 2013, Hypnosis Concepts. Publication rights granted so long as article and byline are reprinted intact, with all links made live.

Laurie Miller is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with more than 30 years of experience helping people achieve health and happiness. Laurie can use her training and her experience with illness to help you. You can see Laurie in person if you live in Orange County, CA by visiting or you can purchase her prerecorded hypnosis sessions at

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